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Your Newest Sales Superpower - Omnichannel Smart Sequences
Your Newest Sales Superpower - Omnichannel Smart Sequences

With the Omnichannel smart workflows, you can combine the power of LinkedIn and Email into one single campaign!

Bradley Leitch avatar
Written by Bradley Leitch
Updated over a week ago

ONE OF OUR BIGGEST FEATURE ROLLOUTS EVER…. Omnichannel Campaigns! With this newest addition, you’ll be able to build out sequential actions for your campaigns, with even more customization on how you want each particular campaign to run.


The current campaign structure is a single-channel, linear campaign. Meaning, you have to run LinkedIn and Email campaigns independently from one another. Even within a single-channel campaign, you are limited to the sequence in which each event takes place.

With the Omnichannel smart workflows, you can combine the power of LinkedIn and Email into one single campaign and personalize the sequence of each event to significantly optimize the chances of getting a response.

For example, you may want to choose to send an email, then send a LinkedIn invite, then send a second email, then send 2 LinkedIn messages.

This increases your chances of getting a reply, as you are contacting the prospect on multiple channels, increases your chances of having your message seen, and conveys a stronger and more genuine interest in the prospect, among other benefits.

Let’s dig into the details!

First, when you click on your main Campaigns page, you’ll create a campaign the same way as before. Go ahead and click on the + Create Campaign button.

Then, once you’ve clicked on the Create Campaign button, you’ll now see two campaign options, “Regular campaign” and “Omnichannel campaign”. Go ahead and click on the second option.

Once you’ve clicked on the Omnichannel button, the newest pop-up screen will look the same. This is where you’ll be able to select the campaign source. Same as before.

For this example, I’m going to create a Filter URL campaign. This process is the same as before. You’ll create your campaign list in a LinkedIn search, then copy that Filter URL and paste it into Zopto.

Once you click the “Create campaign” button, you'll see the new campaign show with a small OC, for Omnichannel, tab, as well as the fetch progress bar.

While the campaign fetches, you can click on the campaign name, and then go to the “Workflow” tab. This is where things really get exciting! Rather than building out a linear flow via the Modules tab, like you’d do for a Regular campaign, you can now get really creative with your campaign’s workflow. On this Workflow tab, you’ll also see two options, “Actions” and “Conditions”. The actions will be the module itself, such as profile views and invites, etc… The conditions will be the “if this happens, then do this next….”

An example workflow looks something like this:

While you’re building the workflow, it is vital to make sure that the proper conditions are set at the right place. For example, after an invite is sent, you must select the “if connected” option. This will allow you to truly customize your conditional actions.

One thing to note while creating an Omnichannel campaign, is that you are not able to use the Bulk Invite module currently, only the standard Profile Invite module. This is in progress!

Finally, while selecting each module, you’ll be able to customize the actions on the left-hand side, under the “Properties” box. This is where you’ll be able to add module delays, daily limits for each step, as well as add templates. Make sure you click the green “Save Action” button for each step before adding a new module action.

This is just the start of a wonderful new addition to Zopto’s already feature-rich offering. We will continue to build out more options with the Omnichannel feature going forward, but we’re already so excited for our users to experience their newest Sales Superpower. As always, please reach out to your dedicated Customer Success Manager if you ever have any questions. We’re more than happy to help!

Check out the video here!

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