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Limited to 100 LinkedIn Invites Per Week? Well, not anymore.
Limited to 100 LinkedIn Invites Per Week? Well, not anymore.

If you've received the message "You've reached the weekly invitation limit," don't worry, we've got some good news for you.

Jaclyn Curtis avatar
Written by Jaclyn Curtis
Updated over a week ago

Over the last few months, LinkedIn has been trialing a new feature limiting the number of invites to around 100 invites per week.

You may have seen the message from LinkedIn Weekly Invite Limits:

"Connections benefit you more when you know them personally, so we have weekly limits to encourage better networks. For people you don't know, you can follow them to see their posts or send an InMail instead. If you'd still like to send an invitation, please try again next week."

Why did LinkedIn bring this change?

There are several different theories why LinkedIn brought in the new invite restriction, and LinkedIn has been keeping relatively quiet about this invite restriction too. All theories point to protecting their users. Last month, the BBC published this article, MI5 warns of spies using LinkedIn to trick staff into spilling secrets.

Linkedin is trying to get users to connect with users they know personally, but what about if you're paying LinkedIn for prospecting purposes like a large majority of users?

Why is this change good news for Zopto Users?

Zopto just released its new email enrichment tool, which is free for all Zopto customers.

Learn more by watching this video and reading below!

By clicking the Get Emails option, Zopto fetches the available email addresses for all the profiles located in the campaign (5000 per month).

Enrich LinkedIn profiles

Once all of the emails have been fetched, you will get a notification in your campaign.

All of the available email addresses will now be associated with your profiles. 🤯

Email Addresses

But wait, what does this have to do with bypassing LinkedIn invite restrictions?

This Weekly invite limit does not seem to apply when you have the email address of your prospects.

By getting the email address of the contacts from Zopto, you can now bypass the weekly limit.

Watch our video guide, or follow our step by step instructions below:

Let's go through all the steps:

Step 1) Fetch a Zopto Campaign using a filter URL, pasting links, uploading a CSV, or through the API.

Step 2) Head over to the profiles tab and click on "Get Emails"

Step 3) Once the Emails have been fetched, click on "Modules"

Step 4) Head over to "Email Invites"

Step 5) Choose your LinkedIn Email Invite Message

Email invites send in batches of up to 50 invites per batch. This means that two-hundred email invites will be sent in around 4 minutes.

Step 6) Check your sent invitations.

Note: Don't worry if you see the email address. It can take a couple of hours for the LinkedIn API to Match the email address to the LinkedIn Profile, but the invites have been sent.

From This:

To this:

Step 7) Use Zopto to create sequences in Zopto that will be sent to new first-degree contacts.

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