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Zopto Tutorial: Creating and Scheduling LinkedIn Posts
Zopto Tutorial: Creating and Scheduling LinkedIn Posts

How to Create and Schedule your LinkedIn Posts Using the Zopto Portal.

Jaclyn Curtis avatar
Written by Jaclyn Curtis
Updated over a week ago

Creating and Scheduling LinkedIn Posts

Why should you be posting on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn has more than 740 million users, and scheduling and creating content on LinkedIn means you have an immense opportunity to have your voice heard on LinkedIn and bolster your standing as an expert in your field.

What are your objectives with this post?

Before posting content on LinkedIn, you need to identify whom you want your content to speak to. Think about titles, roles, industries, location, and company size. Once you've placed your ideal customer audience, now is a perfect time to think about your post's objective. Will it be for brand awareness? Are you looking to hire more staff? Or are you trying to generate more leads for your business? It's essential to note down what your objective is and work backward.

It's also imperative that you set goals. Using the new Zopto post feature, you can test and measure and look at your performance; you can see what worked and what didn't work. Posting content on LinkedIn should be part of your long-term strategy. But it is vital to set goals and measure progress.

Pro-tip: Don't let your past outreach go to waste! Posting regularly is a great way to indirectly nurture leads you added to your network with previous campaigns. Let them know about company news, new offerings, promotions, and more! This will increase your brand awareness and establish credibility as a thought leader in your space. When they have a need for your product or service, you'll be the first one they'll think of.

Setting up your LinkedIn Posts

An essential part of any post is the hook. you get around two sentences to build your hook, but you must create a hook for your reader to click on "See more." There are several things that you can do to ensure that this strategy works.

Step One:

Login to your Zopto account and click on Social Engagements on the left-hand side.

Step Two:
Click on "+ Create", then select "General Posting."

Step Three:
The Post popup contains different fields, that will allow you to customize your posts.

Step Four:
Title - The title field is for your internal reference. This comes in very handy if you are a regular poster. This is only visible to you.

Step Five:
Select Your Target Audience

Step Six:
Select who can comment on your posts.

Step Seven:
The easiest way to do this is to think about if you would click on that “see more” option. Many people use misdirection, controversy, or breaking the mold type posts to create a natural intrigue. Test your hook on your colleagues before going live, just like a practice run!

In your post’s body, you get 1300 Characters to create value and become an expert in your field. You don’t want to create a daunting experience for your readers. Use Hemingway App to create easy-to-read content. Also, make sure you double-check your grammar and punctuation!

Step Eight:
Attach Images, Videos, or Documents that will help support your post.

Step Nine:
Schedule your post and select your time and date

Posting every day might dilute your voice, so we would recommend posting once every week. Posting less, you can spend more time focusing on what hits a large percent of your target audience rather than smaller posts to get lower engagement. Companies shouldn't post for its sake but share compelling information, updates, employees' and clients' experiences.

Step Ten:
Click on "Create Post"

Step Eleven:
Your Post will now be scheduled, with the status Pending, until the time and date has been met.

When the time and date has been met, your post will then be available on LinkedIn

Step Twelve:
The status will change from "Pending" to "Posted"

Step Thirteen:

Your post will now be live on Linkedin!

Engagement is key

Creating engagement isn’t always easy. People are tired of the same scripts and repurposed content peddled on LinkedIn. Let’s face it; nobody cares about the person with the perfect smile standing in front of a Lamborghini because, for most of us, it isn’t relatable. But providing value (a simple growth hack) or a new feature that solves an age-old problem, or even an opinion that speaks to your audience, will have more impact than a get-rich scheme.

The Takeaway

You want to make people better off for reading your content, and providing some value with no catches is one of the best things you can do on your LinkedIn posts. The more value you provide, the more your post will get likes, which gets more visibility on LinkedIn.

How does this help me?

  • Ideally, we recommend posting on LinkedIn 2-3 times per week. However, we realize this can be quite time-consuming to plan out exactly when you want each post to go live. With Zopto, you can create posts and schedule them to be published for a later time. Psss…. You can also use our AI Generator to help save you time creating the copy, if you find yourself struggling with writer’s block.

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