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Using the Zopto API
Using the Zopto API

We will be looking at the Zopto API and How the Zopto API works

Jaclyn Curtis avatar
Written by Jaclyn Curtis
Updated over a week ago

Get Profiles stats with API


You can use the REST API to access some zopto resources.


In the headers section of the request set the value Token: {value} Where the {value} is the API key from the page:

Get users of the agency

Url: “"
Method: GET
If success, return:

success: true,
users: [
company: "company",
created_at: 1541494075558,
email: "email",
first_name: first_name,
last_name: last_name

Get campaigns for a user

Url: “{email}/campaigns"
Where {email} is the email of user;
Method: GET
If success, return:
success: true,
campaigns: [
campaign_id: 1541494075558,
created_at: 1541494075558,
inmails_enable: true,
invites_enable: true,
name: "Campaign name",
searchUrls: {”},
sequence_enable: false,
status: "pause",
twitter_enable: true,
user_email: ""
views_enable: true

Get stats for a user:

Url: “{email}/stats?campaign_id=1541494075558&startDate=2019-10-18&endDate=2019-12-19"
{email} is the email of user;
campaign_id = the campaign_id for a campaign or no campaign for all campaigns
startDate = the start date of the series,
endDate = the end date of the series
Method: GET
If success, return:
success: true,
series: [{
accepted: {2019-11-19: 0, 2019-11-20: 0, 2019-11-21: 0, 2019-11-22: 0, 2019-11-23: 0, …}
inmails: {2019-11-19: 0, 2019-11-20: 0, 2019-11-21: 0, 2019-11-22: 0, 2019-11-23: 0, …}
invites: {2019-11-19: 0, 2019-11-20: 0, 2019-11-21: 0, 2019-11-22: 0, 2019-11-23: 0, …}
replies: {2019-11-19: 0, 2019-11-20: 0, 2019-11-21: 0, 2019-11-22: 0, 2019-11-23: 0, …}
sequences: {2019-11-19: 0, 2019-11-20: 0, 2019-11-21: 0, 2019-11-22: 0, 2019-11-23: 0, …}
twitters: {2019-11-19: 0, 2019-11-20: 0, 2019-11-21: 0, 2019-11-22: 0, 2019-11-23: 0, …}
views: {2019-11-19: 0, 2019-11-20: 0, 2019-11-21: 0, 2019-11-22: 0, 2019-11-23: 0, …}
totals: {
accepted: 333,
inmails: 124,
invites: 54,
replies: 41,
reply_inmail: 13,
reply_invite: 11,
reply_other: 14,
twitters: 25,
views: 14

Add profiles to a user campaign

Add profile - Url “{email}/add_profile_to_campaign"
"profile_url": {profile_url}", // or "profile_public_id": {profile_public_id}",
"campaign_id": {campaign_id},
"custom_field_1": {custom_field_1},
"custom_field_2": {custom_field_2},
"custom_field_3": {custom_field_3}

{email} is the email of user;
{profile_url} = is the url of the linkedin profile (from Linkedin Premium and Sales Navigator)
{profile_public_id} = the id of profile (rctracted from url)
{campaign_id} = the id of the campaign where the profile will be added
{custom_field_X} = custom fields for the campaign above (optional)

Method: PUT

If success, the api return:
"username": "", // the email of zopto user
"request_id": "a5d402e8-apirqa-aa59-154c-8f4a0e764e28", // request id
"time": 1600166774673,
"status": "SUCCESS", // or FAIL or PENDING
"request_event": {
"profile_public_id": "billGates",
"campaign_id": 1588564325615,
"custom_field_1": "Custom field 1",
"custom_field_2": "Custom field 2",
"custom_field_3": "Custom field 3"
"request_date": "2020-07-10 10:46:14",
"response_date": "2020-07-10 10:46:14",
"response": {
"profile": {
"profile_id": 124353535, //the profile id
"profile_first_name": "Joshua",
"profile_last_name": "Pal",
"profile_linkedin_url": "",
"profile_title": "Manager ",
"company_name": "IBM",
"distance": 2
"action": "new_profile" // new_profile or update_profile

Get profiles for a user:

Get one profile - Url “{email}/profiles?profile_id={profile_id}"
Get all profiles - Url “{email}/profiles"
Get next profiles - Url “{email}/profiles?next={next}"
{email} is the email of user;
{profile_id} = the id of profile (in numeric format)
{next} = next profile
{campaign_id} Get profiles only from this campaign
More options:
connectedAt_after={connectedAt_after} Get profiles only connected after date (format: 2020-09-20)
connectedAt before={connectedAt_before} Get profiles only connected before date (format: 2020-09-20)
connectedAt between two dates= {connectedAt_before} & {connectedAt_before} Get profiles only connected between dates: {connectedAt_before} and {connectedAt_before} (format: 2020-09-20)
distance={distance} Get profiles only with specific distance ( 1, 2 or 3 )
label={label} Get profiles only with specific label
replied={replied} Get only profiles who replied (ex. replied=true)
skipped_profiles={skipped_profiles} Get only skipped profiles (ex. skipped=true)
has_twitter={has_twitter} Get only profiles with twitter (ex. twitter=true)

Method: GET

If success, return:
success: true,
"profiles": [
"profile_id": 1234,
"profile_first_name": "John",
"profile_last_name": "Doe",
"profile_location": null,
"profile_linkedin_url": "",
"profile_title": null,
"invite_status": false,
"skip_profile": false,
"company_name": "Comp",
"company_website": "",
"company_industry": "industry",
"company_location": null,
"company_employeeCount": 100,
"twitter": null,
"distance": 1,
"connectedAt": null,
"connectedAt_date": null,
"invitation_withdrawnAt": null,
"invitation_withdrawnAt_date": null,
"invited_at_date": null,
"viewed_at_date": null,
"campaign_id": "1550137469718",
"campaign_name": "Campaign",
"p_view": false,
"p_twitter": false,
"p_invite": true,
"p_invite_fail": false,
"p_inmail": false,
"p_inmail_fail": false,
"p_sequence0": false,
"p_sequence1": false,
"p_sequence2": false,
"p_sequence3": false,
"p_sequence4": false,
"p_sequence0_fail": false,
"p_sequence1_fail": false,
"p_sequence2_fail": false,
"p_sequence3_fail": false,
"p_sequence4_fail": false
scheduled_date: "2020-10-25"
"responded_at_module": "sequence0",

"profiles_length": 1,
"next": null

Add user to an agency:

Url: ""
Method: PUT
"email": "", //Email of the new user
"password": "password",
"enabled": true, //if user is enabled
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"company": "Company name",
"permission_admin": true, //Provide Super Admin privileges (full access to Agency dashboard)
"permission_campaigns": true, //Provide access to campaigns menu
"permission_connections": true, //Allow to view/connect linkedin and twitter accounts and My profile
"permission_inbox": true, //Provide access to inbox menu
"permission_settings": true, //Provide access to settings menu
"permission_support": true, //Provide access to support menu
"permission_templates": true //Provide access to templates menu

If success, return:

success: true,
"user_added": "",

Examples (JavaScript):

Get users

"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"Token": "3c322d1f-7R7-d8-6fe-9c2b764869"
.done(function(err, response) {console.log("Result: ", err, response);})
.error( function(err) {console.log("Error: ", err);})
Get user
"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"Token": "3c322d1f-7R7-d8-6fe-9c2b764869"
.done(function(err, response) {console.log("Result: ", err, response);})
.error( function(err) {console.log("Error: ", err);})
Get campaigns
"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"Token": "3c322d1f-7R7-d8-6fe-9c2b764869"
.done(function(err, response) {console.log("Result: ", err, response);})
.error( function(err) {console.log("Error: ", err);})
Get stats
"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"Token": "3c322d1f-7R7-d8-6fe-9c2b764869"
.done(function(err, response) {console.log("Result: ", err, response);})
.error( function(err) {console.log("Error: ", err);})
Get one profile
"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"Token": "3c322d1f-7R7-d8-6fe-9c2b764869"
.done(function(err, response) {console.log("Result: ", err, response);})
.error( function(err) {console.log("Error: ", err);})
Get all profiles
"url": "≠xt=null", //for next profiles: ?next=12345
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"Token": "3c322d1f-7R7-d8-6fe-9c2b764869"
.done(function(err, response) {console.log("Result: ", err, response);})
.error( function(err) {console.log("Error: ", err);})
Get all profiles connected between the dates: 2020-05-27 and 2020-10-27
"url": "≠xt=null", //for next profiles: ?next=12345
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"Token": "3c322d1f-7R7-d8-6fe-9c2b764869"
.done(function(err, response) {console.log("Result: ", err, response);})
.error( function(err) {console.log("Error: ", err);})
Add profile to a user campaign
"url": "", //for next profiles: ?next=12345
"method": "PUT",
"headers": {
"Token": "3c322d1f-7R7-d8-6fe-9c2b764869"
data: {
"profile_url": "", // or: "profile_public_id": "williamhgates",
"campaign_id": 1588164324614,
"custom_field_1": "Custom field 1",
"custom_field_2": "Custom field 2",
"custom_field_3": "Custom field 3"
.done(function(err, response) {console.log("Result: ", err, response);})
.error( function(err) {console.log("Error: ", err);})

Add user to an agency

"url": "",
"method": "PUT",
"headers": {
"Token": "3c322d1f-7R7-d8-6fe-9c2b764869"
data: {
"email": "",
"password": "password",
"enabled": true,
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"company": "Company name",
"permission_admin": true,
"permission_campaigns": true,
"permission_connections": true,
"permission_inbox": true,
"permission_settings": true,
"permission_support": true,
"permission_templates": true
.done(function(err, response) {console.log("Result: ", err, response);})
.error( function(err) {console.log("Error: ", err);})
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